Friday, January 16, 2009


Where does the time go. Everyone says your children will be grown in the blink of an eye. I'm starting to get that. My ODD lost her first tooth today. I can't believe it. I remember when that tooth bit me. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


As my girls like to say.

On the way to take YDD to preschool today we had snow flurries, real fine snow. When I left preschool it was so neat the way the sun hit the snow it looked like glitter. It was very pretty.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Forgive and Forget...

I'm having a real hard time with this right now.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Can't win...

Sometimes I feel like I can't win no matter what I do. I've been trying to work my butt off (;O) exercising and of course my bad foot has to hurt. I went to a ankle specialist and he was no help - gave me orthotics which the dr here in town said wouldn't help (and he was right). What am I suppose to do?

Friday, January 9, 2009


I always miss my hubby when he's gone.

It's not necessarily the reasons you are thinking. Yes, he takes the ODD to school, gives me a break whenever I need, helps with the girls when he gets home, gives them their bath and much more...

Sometimes it's the little things. I had to clean out the litter box, I had to take the trash and recycling to the road, I had all the blankets and got hot, there was nobody to ask about my day or tell me dinner was good, I had to turn up the heat when I got up instead of it already being warm and toasty, and more...

I miss my hubby and appreciate all he does everyday. I'm so glad he gets home tonight.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Breaks over...

Christmas break is over. School starts back today. I'm both happy and sad. I enjoyed having the girls home but would like a break too.

I'm off to take ODD to school, back home to get YDD ready and get her to preschool. Then I'm heading to the gym. I hope the classes don't kill me.