Friday, January 9, 2009


I always miss my hubby when he's gone.

It's not necessarily the reasons you are thinking. Yes, he takes the ODD to school, gives me a break whenever I need, helps with the girls when he gets home, gives them their bath and much more...

Sometimes it's the little things. I had to clean out the litter box, I had to take the trash and recycling to the road, I had all the blankets and got hot, there was nobody to ask about my day or tell me dinner was good, I had to turn up the heat when I got up instead of it already being warm and toasty, and more...

I miss my hubby and appreciate all he does everyday. I'm so glad he gets home tonight.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I think it's reasonable that the little things would add up. Glad that he'll be back soon!