Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More on storms

I got woke up to a thunderstorm (I wonder if YDD turned off the alert radio again - it didn't go off) early this am. I'm a big baby and I confess. But when you are jumping out of your skin you really can't help it. The hail sounded huge. I didn't get out of bed to look. I do have my limits. I do recall falling back asleep as I was praying for the storm to move on somewhere else but to leave the rain. We desperately need rain.

I have a sinus infection. We were at my YDD's post op followup appointment and her doctor took pity on me and saw me too. He's very nice. I'm switching to him since I can't get in with my ENT till Friday and my Family doctor didn't call me back till we were gone yesterday. YDD got a good review too. We all got to see her tubes. He calmed my fears a bit about letting water get in her ears. His children ended up with tubes and he said he didn't do plugs and didn't restrict swimming. I'm going to do swim lessons and see how it goes for her.

We are off to Disney in 18 days. SHHH.... It's still a secret from the girls. We want to surprise them. Oh ok, we don't want to be hounded to death before hand.

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