Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crazy busy...

day today.

YDD's Field Day is at preschool today. Since she doesn't usually go on Wednesday, I have to go with her. I don't mind - gives me picture taking time. I sure don't know what we should wear. It's going to be 72 today but it's starting out in mid40s. I suspect it won't warm up too quickly so jackets for us.

Then YDD has her regularly scheduled dance class. Then all of us to church supper and then both YDD and ODD have their choir recognition service at church and sing in it. I suspect YDD will pass out sometime today.

Have you tried Kellogg's Special K chocolate delight? Finally cereal that I can live with.

Speaking of breakfast, a brand new bottle of vanilla creamer fell out of the frig this am and busted. I hate ceramic tile. I vote to go back to linoleum. Stuff stood a chance of surviving. I've broken more things on this kitchen ceramic tile than I wish to recall.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Come on...

already. It's April 6th and almost Easter Sunday. It should NOT be sleeting on me on the way to the bus stop.

Last year I bought a sleeveless Easter dress. I didn't get to wear it because it was cold. I was planning on wearing it this year. Doesn't look like I'll get to wear it this Sunday either. You would think I would learn. Hopefully the girls white sweaters still fit so I don't have to make yet another last minute dash for white sweaters before Easter Sunday.

If you believe there is global warming, you ought to come visit. It's more likely to be another Ice Age.

We have to cover up all our trees and plants tonight in the hopes of keeping them alive through yet another late freeze. And this isn't stuff we planted, it's stuff that was already in the ground. We've learned not to plant anything till after tax day. But we can't stop stuff from budding and blooming. I do not want to lose another red maple. If this one dies, that's it.